Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

We need to adapt to changing times

The Coronavirus Pandemic is changing our lives, possibly forever. At this time, it is unknown where this Coronavirus, COVID-19, started. Various forms of the Coronavirus have appeared throughout history, including SARS and MERS, Both the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and SARS outbreaks likely started in Chinese wet markets. Photos show what the markets look like. February 26, 2020. Aylin Woodard. Business Insider.

One theory of the origin of COVID-19 is that it began in at a “wet market” in Wuhan, China. This theory postulates that bats are carriers of the coronavirus as well as other diseases. Pangolins, also called a scaly anteater, crawl along the ground and eat insects and other food sources on the ground. The pangolin is suspected of coming in contact with bat facies. Some research suggests that the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have been transmitted to people via the pangolins. The new coronavirus may have jumped to people from endangered pangolins, some researchers now suggest. Business Insider. Aylin Woodward. Feb 7, 2020.

The pangolin is sold at wet markets as a food source and is a delicacy in China and other parts of the world. This interaction of the pangolin, and subsequently used as a food source, is thought to have transmitted the coronavirus to humans. Gabon Bans Consumption of Pangolin and Bats Amid Coronavirus Pandemic. April 4, 2020. NEWS18 WORLD.

Wet markets are notorious for a lack of sanitation. Wet markets get their name because the floors are wet with water, blood, shavings and intestines of scaled seafood and butchered wild animals that are prepared for food consumption. Among many types of produce, seafood and butchered wildlife sold in the wet markets are wolf pups, rats, snakes, pangolins, and porcupines Inside the horrific, inhumane animal markets behind pandemics like coronavirus. The New York Post. January 25, 2020. . Wet markets are prevalent throughout the word in countries as China, Philippines, Singapore, and Hon Kong. Some wet markets have been replaced with more sanitary conditions. World Market-Wikipedia.

Therefore, under this theory, it is very likely that eating unsanitary foods has resulted in this worldwide pandemic which has had a substantial and tragic economic and life-threatening effect on many countries. The reader is encouraged to read the articles on the websites provided and do additional research to form their own opinion. For more information read 2019-20 Coronavirus pandemic in mainland China. Wikipedia.

A more recent theory suggests that scientists in a lab in Wuhan, not far from the wet market, were experimenting with the coronavirus from bats. At this time, this theory is being investigated. Both theories point to the interactions of humans with bats as a possible source of the Coronavirus. Also, the current consensus is that the Coronavirus originated in China. Sources believe coronavirus outbreak originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US”. Bret Baier, Gregg Re. Fox News.

Humans for years have adapted themselves to increasingly more sanitary conditions which has extended our life and increased our health. Consequences of the changing lifestyles are more susceptibility to diseases when exposed to unhealth or ill prepared food as well as unsanitary lifestyle conditions. Traditionally eating foods in foreign countries has been a problem for some people who travel, because in these countries they sometimes don’t practice the same sanitation precautions.

It’s increasingly possibly that sickness and disease can be significantly magnified by unhealthy lifestyle combined with a rapidly growing world population, and unhealthy eating conditions. Some theories suggest that CO VID-19 may be linked to animal transmission to humans. Previously we have seen many other diseases transmitted through unhealthy animals used as a food sources, i.e. E. Coli, Listeria, Salmonella, SARS, MERS are only a few.

COVID-19 affects the nasal passages and respiratory system. This pandemic, once it has entered the body, can be deadly, especially for those who are sick or do not practice healthy lifestyle habits, i.e. obesity, smoking, drugs, or are experiencing undue continuous stress. People over 65, pregnant women, and those with preexisting conditions are at most risk.

Healthy lifestyle habits are key to staying healthy, and especially in these catastrophic and tumultuous times. Some practices we can all do is to:

  1. Think positively, don’t let stress control your lives.
  2. Practice deep breathing exercises and relaxation daily.
  3. Do yoga or meditation daily
  4. Exercise at least ½ hours a day.
  5. Wash our hands continuously.
  6. Do not travel out of the U.S. without taking proper precautions. When returning quarantine for two weeks, following CDC guidelines.
  7. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Sneeze of cough into your arm, not into you hand. Wash your hands afterward.
  8. Prepare food with sanitation in mind. Don’t eat foods that have not been kept in freezers or refrigerators and are not properly prepared. Prepare foods in short periods or time, not exposed to over 40 degrees for extended periods of time or left out for over 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. When cooking foods, make sure that foods are heated to at least 140 degrees before eating. This will help kill germs that could cause food born illnesses.
  10. Avoid hand to face contact, i.e. eyes, hair, nose. COVID-19 or other viruses spreads through touching of face by unsanitary hands, as well as close body contact.
  11. Use sanitation wipes as much as possible, and wipe tables, chairs, grocery carts, inside of cars etc. to provide continuously clean surfaces. Alcohol wipes which have 70% alcohol, as well as Lysol, kill COVID-19 and other viruses.
  12. Rinse off groceries when you get them and be careful of exposed groceries in stores.
  13. Keep at least 6 feet from others when in public, social distancing.
  14. Avoid groups of over 3 or 4 people, unless they are family or very close friends, and you know their health history.
  15. Avoid unnecessary travel or large groups of people, 10 or more.
  16. Be careful using gloves. Gloves pick up germs and viruses and can transfer the germ
    and viruses. Use gloves for single use only.
  17. Follow CDC guidelines and state dictates, CDC, Center of Disease Control and Prevention,

Stay healthy and safe, we can defeat this with a few lifestyle changes, and live a healthier life.